T1 time = 3:11
28 Mile bike = 1:18:54 (21.3 mph)
T2 time = 1:30
6.5 Mile run = 52:45 (8:07/mile)
Overall Place 132/784

Was a very windy day. I knew it was going to be bad when I took my bike out of the trunk and it almost blew out of my hands (with disc wheel attached). I went back and forth a few times on wether or not to ride the disc in these conditions, but after a short out-and-back ride of part of the course, I decided that I could manage it and it would at least be good practice. I didn't have any trouble a couple days before in the wind, but it was stronger and gusting race morning.
Was great to have some friends from the SMU Cycling club there (watching and racing). As well as teammates from Fit2Train.
Plenty of fluids, a GU about 20 minutes before the start (to supplement the banana and bagel/honey I had earlier), and two 20 minute sessions on the trainer to warm up. Trainer warmup is absolutely essential to these races....your engine's got to be warm when you hit the start line.
Headed out from the start (west) reasonably hard with the strong south crosswind. Was able to keep the speed around 24-27 mph. I knew it would be rough when the course turned south almost directly into the wind....and it was. Couple hills and flats into the wind and I was struggling to keep 14 mph. I passed 2 riders on the way out and made the turn.
Got a nice boost with a tailwind heading back north up the hills and passed 2 more riders....couple of spots were 30+mph. Course turned east and I fought some gusty crosswinds that really moved me around. Still, I felt that I was getting somewhat of a sail/push effect with the disc, and was glad to have it.
Passed one more rider with about a mile to go, and emptied the tank on the last 1000 meters uphill.
Crossed the line in 32:39...just about 23mph average for the 12.5 mile course. This is 17 seconds slower than the last time I did the course, but with the insane wind...I'll take it. Came in 26th place in the Cat4/5 division. Passed 5 riders, no one passed me.
I think first place Cat4/5 was 28 minutes and change. First place overall was 26:27...smokin'. Take heart all you 'older' racers...that guy was in the 40+ masters.
Thanks to Scot Montague for taking pictures!